Best Outdoor Gear and Clothing in Wellington
Local Recommendations from our My Guide Wellington team
Sitting at the base of the North Island, Wellington Outdoor Shops are the natural place to go to equip yourself for adventure. Wet suits, kayaks, tents, bikes, walking boots...get kitted out to explore this beautiful harbour valley.
Outdoor Shops in Wellington are pretty spread out. The CBD has a good selection, especially around Willis Street, Victoria Street and Mercer Street. Thorndon Quay and Tinakori Road, near the Parliament Buildings, also have good outdoor outlets. Lyall Bay and Rongotai, near the airport, have a few decent camping and surfing stores. Head north to Johnsonville, for hunting supplies, or Petone's Jackson Street for great tents, bikes and most other outdoor/camping equipment. Alicetown and, nearby, Lower Hutt, have some very good general outdoor living stores - a good place to 'stock up' if your outdoor adventure is sending you north, anyway. Tawa, near Porirua, has a clearance mall which often has knock-down prices on outdoor equipment. If you're only after stuff for a one-off pursuit, or don't want to cart equipment back home, stop off here and see what bargains you can find.
Book Top Experiences and Tours in Wellington:
If youʻre booking your trip to Wellington last minute, we have you covered. Below are some of the top tours and experiences!- Martinborough Winery Tour
- Wellington: Electric Bike Rental
- Martinborough Wine and Food Tour with Lunch from Wellington
- Wellington: Return Cable Car Ticket
- Wellington Craft Brewery Half-Day Guided Tour with Tastings